Gov. Alex C. Otti ‘s Media Interactions for September: 6 General Takeaways
- A new culture of public sector accountability has been instituted in Abia State and it is hard to find anything like it in this part of the world: Governance is about accountability, engaging with the led, feeling their pulse, providing insights on the state of things and taking home valuable feedback. Governor Otti has gone beyond the usual charade of choreographed media engagements but has instead created a platform where every Abian can ask questions and recieve sincere answers from the Governor. It does not matter who you are and where you are following from, if you have a question to ask, there is a governor who is willing to listen, and offer an insightful response.
- Governor Otti understands the logic of priority, what to elevate and what to ignore or perhaps joke about. The journalist who asked about Ben Kalu may have thought that he has raised a point the Governor would go ballistic on. In line with his calm character, Dr Otti quietly went philosophical, pointing us to the dangers of vaulting ambition, the importance of humility and why we should live each day in gratitude, certain that the only thing certain about tomorrow is its uncertainty. And that was all. The Governor did the right thing by refusing to be dragged into an idle conversation about 2027 when the more important matter of offering quality governance to Ndi Abia is still work-in-progress. The Governor’s response on Julius Abure, the former chairman of Labour Party, was also a great testament to his keen understanding of the value of time, elevated platforms and the import of prudence in governance.
- Every village has a problem. You simply abuse your privilege when you make your village problem a state issue: Yes, everyone desires somehow to have every problem in his village, street or neighbourhood, solved overnight, even if it means ignoring all other development needs. At any rate, what separates great journalists from your regular folks in the newsroom is the wisdom to focus on what affects the greater majority, not what makes you a hero in your village moonlight tales. Why should anyone imagine that the challenges in his village is bigger than what I have in mine? Why use a platform set up to address matters that affect millions of Abians to make your parochial interests the subject of continuing discussion? Is your village a part of the State? Yes. But is it the only part of the State that has say, bad road? I do not think so. Like Mr. Peter Obi once asked a kinsman who insisted that he can only be successful as a Governor when he channels State’s resources to the building of his village roads; “what is the strategic importance of this road leading to my house in the village?” Perhaps we can paraphrase Mr Obi: what is the strategic importance of this road in your village that it will be the subject of repeated media interactions with the Governor of the entire State?
- Indiscipline is still an issue amongst our people, even people you believe have some level of enlightenment: Ask only one question so that you do not monopolise the conversation, you are not the only one with a burning issue to raise. Mbanu, you must ask 20 questions because you are the spokesman of 1000 groups. Well, should you not have known that the forum was not an activist platform where you come with a combatant posture? The understanding is that if you agree to be part of something, you must abide by the rules guiding it. If you don’t agree with the rules, the wise thing to do is to quietly excuse yourself. But no, the rules are only for lesser humans, you are a superhero. How about those who can’t stop their phones from disturbing our peace during these very important conversations? No wonder some persons believe that only nwoke “I will make the naira equal to the dollar” can fix Nigeria because o na apiawa ndi na adighi disciplined azu with kobo something. Thank God that Dr. Alex Otti is a temperate leader who tries to accommodate all of us, even those who have proven incapable of keeping to very simple instructions.

- Ekwuo ekwukwa is a major problem for many of the people who feature prominently on these interactions. One of my most cherished memories is attending my village meetings with my father, Sir Joseph Okafor, from a very early age. In those meetings, “sir” would not stop warning our kinsmen, mostly orators, against the dangers of repeating themselves or wasting everyone’s time by repeating what had earlier been said and ruled on. He calls it ekwuo, ekwukwa, to speak and still repeat. He feels that such disposition needlessly prolongs meetings and frustrates the smooth flow of proceedings. You clearly heard the governor address an issue in a firm tone and the next question you are raising is still on the same issue, did you place a bet that the question must be asked by you? How about the chairman who asked one question thrice, just using different instances? Or those who run long commentaries instead of asking straight questions? Perhaps it’s about time someone takes up the campaign against ekwuo ekwukwa in the State, we need to speak once and let other issues also recieve proper attention na o nwayo nwayo ka e ji aracha ofe di oku.
- Governor Otti is not resting on his oars: Yes, the accolades are pouring in, our people have never seen a leader this committed and dedicated to the task of leadership before now, Abia has become a major reference point in all tables where political transformation and quality leadership is being discussed in Nigeria and beyond. Roads are being rebuilt, salaries and pensions now come very regularly and our streets are cleaner than they have ever been. Security has been restored in communities that were previously overran by criminals including Umunneochi and parts of Isuikwuato. But our Governor, on the basis of today’s outing is not resting on his oars, onye ishi is looking beyond the accolades, he is focused on his vision of holistic turnaround, he wants our roads to be in great shape, our schools top notch and our hospitals and health facilities world class. He wants us to have running waters in our homes and places of recreation in our streets. Governor Otti wants to be the leader who ticks every important box that is connected to the development of our land. All I can do is to continue to pray and support our dear Governor to achieve his dreams for this great State. Thank sir, for inspiring us, for showing us how to dream, and think bigger.