Jnr Pope Didn’t Have To Sacrifice His Life For You To Realize The Right Thing – In Edo Slams Hollywood Structure

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“Junior Pope did not have to sacrifice his life for you to realize this” Ini Edo slams Nollywood structure as she mourns actor

Nollywood actress Ini Edo is urging reform within the film industry following the death of actor Junior Pope .

Recall that the movie star died tragically in a boating accident while filming a movie on the Anam River in Anambra State.

Reacting to this, Ini Edo expressed deep sadness over her Junior Pope ‘s passing.

She also raised concerns about safety protocols in Nollywood productions.

Ini blasted the film industry’s “poor structure” and lack of safety regulations, calling Odondwo’s death a “sacrifice” that exposed the need for an overhaul of the system.

She stressed that safety should be a top priority during filmmaking.

In her words;

“Jnr Pope did not have to sacrifice his life for nollywood to realize the need for a long and much needed regulatory structure that would safeguard an entire production . Yes .. every one is a producer now and all are guilty of negligence of some sort.. and this has to stop. This is one sacrifice too many and must count for something … The system has to undergo a total overhaul with practical rules and regulations that caters to everyone in cases of emergencies…. I will never understand why the good ones go so soon🤦🏻‍♀️💔

Rest on brother … This one cuts really deep.”

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By Abia ThinkTank

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