Gov Otti’s Administration: A Testament That Good Governance Needs No Bill-Board – By Miracle Chukwuenye

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by Miracle Chukwunenye

Bill Bernbach Once said “Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make”

The purpose of this article is to clarify the dissimilarity between the Insignificant hullabaloo of the past Administration on non-existent media hyped projects and the Gigantic strides of the Present Administration existentially testified by all and sundry.

The purpose-driven impetus of Gov Otti’s Administration was initially made evident in his inaugural speech, where he clearly stated his disinterest in Accepting accolades of any form,awards or Chieftaincy titles including praise singing and sycophancy,not exempting unnecessary Overhyped billboards, he said “For me, awards, honours, recognitions, and chieftaincy titles are not welcomed until l leave office, quote differently any award titles, recognitions or the likes that I did not receive yesterday will have to wait until I leave office.”

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In order to further expatiate the intolerance of Gov Otti’s Administration to praise singing and sycophancy, his special adviser on media and publicity, Hon. Ferdinand Ekeoma wrote an article on the 1st day of April,2023 titled “Dr.Alex Otti will not tolerate sycophancy” according to him one of the many reasons Gov. otti will not accept sycophancy is because “he’s a technocrat who is not interested in becoming a career politician or a godfather to anyone, so sycophancy would serve him no positive purpose”.

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Following the concurrent events and projects going on in the state, one would consistently and persuasively say that Gov. Otti is not diverging from his initial standpoint in dissalowing praise singing,recognition,sycophancy and media/bill-boards display, instead his numerous achievements and continous projects speaks for his administration, in other words,the praise singing is now coming from beneficiaries of existent projects and not from the association of AGIP (any government in power).

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In a nutshell, i will be highlighting some of the evident projects, some already completed while some ongoing in different sectors in the state bringing to bare the strides of Gov. Otti’s Administration to the beam of light.

Starting from the health sector, The immediate declaration of emergency on the health sector has gone a long way in enhancing our health facilities, numerous health facilities have been retrofitted which include; amachara specialist hospital, Abia state university teaching hospital, cottage hospital, etc. most importantly, the free medical treatment that have been placed in our general hospitals evenly made available for commuters in the state,commercial bus drivers,and keke drivers, today, even an okada man in the state can walk into any of these health facilities and get free treatment. Can you now see the reason why they won’t stop hailing the Governor whenever he passes by?

Then, comes the Infrastructural sector, Gov.Otti initially started with the ‘Operation No-Pothole’ , Operation Light-up Abia’ including various road constructions project completed and numerous ongoing, most major roads that were very impassable in the past is now very accessible, which include; the very impassable cemetery road, mcc/old express road, omuma road(ongoing),Port-harcourt road(ongoing)etc.

The road users that ply in these roads are not just immeasurably grateful but has made it a point of duty to show appreciation to the governor in any little means they find, tune in to the radio every morning and hear the voice of the ex-hopeless abians who found hope and are grateful to the present government for saving Abia roads from the rotten and decaying state it was left in, those that couldn’t get to the radio are on the social media,using the comment section of every government aide handle as a tool to express their honest and sincere gratitude.

Are they paid or sponsored by anyone? No, rather, they are victims of the past pandemic years, whose businesses collapsed due to inaccessible roads to transport goods, those who lost their loved ones to the cold of hands of death, due to poor health Administration caused by lack of standard equipments and facilities , they are the ones you see on the roads everyday, at the sight of the approach of the Governor’s convoy,they speedily halt every other activity they are into, raising their hands up and shouting at the top of their voices,
“Thank you Gov. Otti for providing accessible roads, i can now freely go to my farm and transport goods to the market!”

Driving into the transport sector, Agberos are no more, the days of touting are finally over, Gov. Otti didn’t just stop at ensuring that all touts were removed from the roads by introducing a digital tariff system, he also instructed the security operatives to catch and arrest anyone caught masquerading as a tout, the whole system has been sanitized, have you now seen the reason why the keke owner who imprinted “Otti till 2031″did so, he wasn’t paid for that nor hired,rather it’s a method of him showing appreciation of the freedom they are enjoying in this present Administration.

We can’t skip the security sector while discussing the Gigantic accomplishments of Gov. Otti as its clearly evident that Abia is now peaceful,few weeks After the inauguration of Gov.Otti, the “Operation Crush” was launched to curb criminal and incriminating elements in the state, the Joint-security outfit have in few months recorded outstanding feat in the security system of the state, one of these feats is the umunneochi insecurity curb, earlier last week , the homeland security alongside the NDLEA busted a heroine/cocaine bunk and apprehended the dealer, many of other security accomplishments have been going on in the state and its environs, Investors are trooping in from different parts of the world to partake in this greater revolution ,and to declare interest in associating with the Govt. to invest in the state, this significant occurrence is due to the peaceful nature of the state as insecurity have been curbed.

Other numerous sectors of this Government witnessing Gigantic strides and positive changes of Otti’s Administration has been curtailed in this writing not to be named in other to shortlist the article, but i won’t fail to indicate the remnants in my next writting, The whole idea is to nurture the mind of every reader to clearly signify the horrondeous changes in the state as a subtle reason why Alex Otti is trending in different media platforms everyday, underscoring the attitudinal reaction of happy abians in becoming the ambassadors of Gov. Otti’s Administration in every space they occupy, Gov. Otti needs no billboards to portray the giant strides of his government to the public, every Abian is a testament of Otti’s good works.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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