Okpotemba Ohafia Praises Otti For Judicial Panel On Recovery Of Abia Stolen Assets And Funds

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Perhaps, the biggest achievement of the less than one year administration of His Excellency, Dr Alex Chioma Otti remains his rare wisdom in setting up the Judicial Panel under the headship of renowned Justice Florence Duruoha-Igwe, a famed angel in the temple of Justice. When Alex Otti’s one year scorecard will be written in just a few months, the contribution from the Judicial Panel alone will set new standards of goals setting in the overall performance indexes under the New Abia. Justice Duruoha and her Judicial Panel are gradually taking the center stage of the New Abia governing principles that holds public officers accountable for their deeds both past and present. This is truly a new beginning for us in Abia State.

The recent arrest and incarceration of the defamed professor of sleaze and sophistry, a former Chief of Staff to the equally defamed former governor Okezie Ikpeazu is a trite demonstration of the will of a government that is sincere with the people. At least we’re beginning to see and to know that the New Abia is baring its fangs and biting with its glazing teeth.

Arresting Agbazuare is a big score and good for the polity moving forward. He was among the infamous rascals that bestrode this state under the failed PDP government. When the Judicial Panel finally concludes its work in a few weeks, rascals like ACB Agbazuare will be put in their places to serve as deterrent to all those who use the government offices to perpetuate evil and wickedness against the people.

Retired Justice Duruoha Igwe is a woman of impeccable quality and prescient judicial credulity. She is the Margaret Thatcher of Nigeria Judiciary that does not care whose ox is gored. She is among the few angels still remaining around the temple of Justice in this country. Her choice to head the Judicial panel was a decision taken above board by His Excellency, Dr Alex Otti.

Notwithstanding the sensationalism that greeted the arrest of Agbazuare by the order of the Judicial Panel, Justice Duruoha Igwe had made landmark decisions at the Panel and equally made eye popping discoveries of sleaze in the criminal empire presided over by Dr Okezie Ikpeazu.

These findings will soon hit the airwaves like a bombshell in an inferno. By then you will know that we just took criminals and handed them the state treasury to steal as they wished. You will also be thanking Governor Alex Otti for having the wisdom and will to institute the Abia State Judicial Panel on Recovery of Public Property and Stolen Funds.
Dr. Engr Odo Ijere, okpotemba.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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