Straight From The Heart: The Antagonists Of The New Abia – By Dave Uma

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The Antagonists of Abia politics are those who lost hold of power in ABIA, and still rue over such loss. They are hell bent in ruining the efforts of the present administration clandestinely or by whatever means possible.

Sometimes, when I ruminate over some of the issues and tissues of life during my quiet moments, I often wonder what would have become the fate of the people of Abia State, had the status quo ante on the political landscape of Abia been sustained.

Let me push it out further clearly, and unambiguously: Supposing PDP had won their seventh term in Abia State considering the prevailing circumstances before the election, what would have happened to Abia State, and, it’s people by now?

It usually gives me goose pimple, as much as it evokes some feelings of anxiety as if, it indeed, happened. Suffice it to say that, Abia would have witnessed a terrifying experience, to say the least.

The possibility of the past administration retaining political power in ABIA would have potentially triggered off a considerable combustible conflagrations. Perhaps, it may have been akin to what is playing out in Imo State, presently.

It is, therefore, predictably accurate, but annoyingly disappointing, that those who lost the last general election are spearheading campaign of calumny through criticism, and mudslinging few months down the line in the life of the present administration.

The Antagonists would not even allow the new administration to settle down to the business of governance. Their antics is to touch on blizzard or overwhelming number of issues that relatively have nothing to do with the new administration. It’s a form of distraction, and sentiment.

It’s particularly disappointing, and apparently obvious that those people who have held Abia on the jugular are angry for losing their meal tickets.

Little wonder, they have deployed intense aggression, undue criticism and dangerous stereotyping, in labeling the new administration.

Obviously, such positions can only be described as puerile, irrational, totally illogical and a warped thinking of the derailed minds.

Apparently, that’s not the best approach on how to play opposition politics.

Every action we take in our dealings with others will definitely attract commensurate consequences.

My humble advice to them is to practice restraint, decorum and humility.

It takes humility to enjoy rewards both from God and Man. Sometimes, even from one’s perceived enemies.

The administration of Alex Otti has shown flashes of brilliance in its handling of the affairs of governance. Leadership is all about inclusiveness, justice, and equity, Besides, the government of Alex Otti enjoys the support of Abia people.

Let’s all join hands to rebuild Abia from the ruins of preceding administrations, rather than act as pull it down enablers.

A concerned citizen of Abia

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By Abia ThinkTank

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