Igbo Legacy Calls On Federal And State Governments To Alleviate Sufferings And Pains Of Nigerians

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Press Release:


Owerri, 27th September 2023 – Igbo Legacy, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and development of the Igbo people and the Nigerian nation as a whole, is deeply concerned about the alarming sufferings and silent deaths experienced by Nigerians across the country. We urgently call upon the Federal and State Governments to take immediate action and address this humanitarian crisis that is plaguing our nation.

Dr. Kelechi Kenny Uzoma, convener Igbo Legacy has emphasized the urgent need to address the plight of Nigerians, which is reaching an unbearable level. We witness countless individuals who suffer daily, silently battling hunger, poverty, inadequate healthcare, and other challenges. Families are torn apart, lives are lost, and hope is diminishing. It is a critical time for our governments to step up and fulfill their mandate of protecting the welfare and well-being of their citizens.

The Federal and State Governments play pivotal roles in addressing the sufferings and pains of Nigerians. Igbo Legacy strongly urges both levels of government to collaborate and implement effective measures to alleviate these hardships. It is crucial for them to prioritize the following actions:

1. Provision of Adequate Healthcare: Increase funding for healthcare facilities and ensure the availability of essential medical supplies. Establish mobile clinics and medical camps in remote areas to provide immediate care and reach underserved populations.

2. Poverty Alleviation Programs: Implement sustainable poverty reduction initiatives that empower individuals and communities to break free from the cycle of poverty. This can be achieved through skills training, microfinance programs, and access to capital for entrepreneurs.

3. Food Security and Agriculture: Invest in agriculture and improve access to agricultural inputs for farmers. Establish strategic partnerships to promote modern farming techniques and ensure food security for all Nigerians.

4. Education and Skills Development: Prioritize education by increasing funding and improving infrastructure in schools. Promote vocational training programs that equip individuals with marketable skills and enhance their employability.

5. Strengthening Security: Collaborate with security agencies to enhance the safety and security of citizens. Provide necessary resources to combat insurgency, banditry, and other criminal activities that contribute to the sufferings of Nigerians.

Igbo Legacy believes that a united effort from the Federal and State Governments is crucial in addressing these pressing issues. The time for action is now, and we implore both levels of government to act swiftly and decisively.

We call upon all relevant media outlets to join us in raising awareness about the sufferings and pains endured by Nigerians. The media plays a vital role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy decisions. Together, we can amplify the message and ensure that the voices of the suffering are heard.

As an organization deeply committed to the welfare of Nigerians, Igbo Legacy will continue to advocate for positive change and actively engage with relevant stakeholders to ensure the urgent implementation of these recommendations. We call on all well-meaning Nigerians to join us in this noble cause.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Name: Kelechi Kenny Uzoma
Convener Igbo Legacy
Email: igbolegacy@gmail.com

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By Abia ThinkTank

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