EFCC, DSS And The New Nigeria Colony – By Dr. Engr. Odo Ijere (Okpotemba Ohafia)

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The continued harassment of the youths in the name of chasing after yahoo boys by the EFCC should stop. This is no longer news to us anymore. EFCC and DSS should be patriotic enough to go after the institutional rogues like Hadi Sirika, Mele Kyari, etcetera who ran down our institutions and gave the youths no chance at all to survive the Nigeria harsh economy other than resorting to white colar crimes.

The drug barons and the government usurpers that approved N70 Billion as palliative for less than 500 National Assembly members should be under security searchlights not yahoo. Akpabio that ran down NDDC and jumped to the Senate should be prosecuted instead of being elevated and made a national icon.

The big criminals in government offices destroying the country should be chased around, not yahoo Boys that are victims of economic exclusion. This often times yahoo news is the biggest distraction one can ever have.

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What you beam often as EFCC or DSS at work is actually their fixation to economically strangulate the youths who have looked outside the government for survival. Nothing can be more cruel. What new industries or enterprises are the government setting up to ameliorate the harsh economic climate and anti people policies that are suffocating the citizens from breathing?

EFCC and DSS, if you ask me are preconceived colonial institutions created with the mindset to attack mostly itinerant youths seeking for breather which shouldn’t be the case at all. The organizations to me has apartheid mindset with the youths treated as conquered people that must be subjugated by their supposed fellow country men. This is divide and rule baloney.

EFCC, DSS has 90% northern elements and 60% fulani tribe targeting just a section of the country. Their recruitment does not follow due process and the federal character template just like many government institutions that today are comprehensively fulanized for ethnic domination instead of being a national agency operating to protect the national interest.

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EFCC and the DSS are special police instruments created for ethnic domination of a certain group or tribal interest and we must not make the mistake to think that their doctrine of engagement is to protect the constitution or the people. They are part of the problems of this country.
EFCC, DSS are ethno religious organizations that must be declassified and reorganized if Nigeria is ever to make progress or is ever presumed to be one country united in progress.

It is shameful to see the EFCC and DSS often organize operations with tax payers money to hunt down yahoo boys when some people abound that have stolen billions in Naira and dollars. As they’re going after Emefiele, they should remember the former Attorney General Malami too, the former Minister of Humanitarian affairs, El Rufai, Gabduje Gandollars, Laing Mohammed, Hadi Sirika as earlier mentioned, Alhaji Jamoh of Nimasa, the MD of NPA and other worst cases that went viral in this country for which the APC government chose to look the other way but are busy stuffing the public media space with yahoo news.

The major problems afflicting this nation today are not in the least, yahoo Boys but these organizations that have not only divided us against ourselves, but rendered our economy completely comatose.
Dr. Engr Odo Ijere, okpotemba.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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