Presidential Election Petition Tribunal: Tinubu’s Absence In Court Proceedings May Become An Issue Soon – Engr. Odo Ijere (Okpotemba Ohafia)

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I quietly watched some self conceited partisans few days ago arguing that Peter Obi going to court to attend to his case was unnecessary cherry picking and waste of his valuable time since he was paying out handsome fees to SANs to handle the case for him. I laughed quietly at them and refused to join issues to dignify their foolishness. They were thinking that Asiwaju not coming to the court was a show of force, his enormous connections and normal since he had paid out fortunes to SANs who had the keys to fix everything in the court. But its not so at all.

It is either the usual foolish pride and condescending attitude emanating from the false beliefs by Asiwaju and his handlers that everything has been fixed by his cohorts and partners at the presidency aiding and abetting his fraudulent and criminal declaration as President Elect that keeps him out of the court or maybe to avoid legal crossfire in court that may dig deep into his fake and forged presentations already in public domain.

Either way, the biggest sin anyone can commit in court is not to show up to represent his or her summons. Many judges see it as arrogance and disrespectful to their court and thus frown heavily at it. It is also giving the impression that one is presenting himself above the court and above the law. Many judges do not take kindly to such misdemeanor.

Peter Obi always appearing in court to follow-up on his cases is one behavior that excites the judges and he has never left the courts empty handed. It is an exercise in humility which disarms even your enemies. It also portrays one as leading by example.

I’m not surprised that Atiku Abubaka too has seen the wisdom to be at the court to underline the importance of the decisions that will ensue from those court processes.

From the foregoing, it is almost certain that Asiwaju will swallow his pride and appear in the next court adjournment since the court held that Simon Lalong, the Plateau State governor sent to stand for him in the court cannot legally represent him in the case.

If by any reason Asiwaju is not seen during the next court adjournment, the judges may come to the conclusion that he has more important things to do than pursuing the case of the presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Your guess will be as good as mine concerning how such grandstanding will negatively affect his case.

I’m beginning to see the import of the trending message that “Tinubu will defeat Tinubu in Court”. His defeat, most probably will stem from his plethora of attitudinal dissonance too many and too much to swallow.

The covetous screaming date, 29th of May is beginning to look more like a day that will just come and pass just like that, anticlimax. That day will come like an empty barrel that brought much noise with no effect. There may indeed be no one to swear in on that faithful day as the court pleases.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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