Okezie Ikpeazu’s Planned LG Election Joker Targeted At Causing Crisis/Frustration For Incoming Government – Engr. Odo Ijere (Okpotemba Ohafia)

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The plans by the outgoing government of Okezie Victor Ikpeazu to conduct yet another sham LG polls just two weeks to final disengagement from office is nothing less than government rascality and clutching of straws. It amounts to premeditated action intended to cause crises, frustrate the incoming government, prejudicial in nature and possibly linchpin the cause of development by the incoming administration of Dr. Alex Otti.

Such thoughts by Ikpeazu and his cohorts who have enjoyed an all conquering plunder of our state resources for the last eight unchallenged years is the height of infamy, wickedness and ungodly. What more does Okezie Ikpeazu want from Abians after wasting N1.5 Trillion of our State resources over the last 8years in power? What development has Ikpeazu and his team of never-do-wells brought to Abia state with such humongous resources that could be compared to other progressive states in the subregion?

Methinks, Ikpeazu losing the 2023 election comprehensively was enough lesson for him to quietly melt away from visibility after thanking Abians for the opportunity given to him to serve or lord over us. But rather than show some remorse, he has resorted to delusion of grandeur as defeatist mantra. His grandiloquence has untrammelled to new definitions.

We suddenly started having a new experience of an Ikpeazu we never knew or heard of before. The buck of governance is suddenly now at Ikpeazu’s table. Abia State new government house we never knew existed is now receiving finishings, new constructed roads are emerging for commissioning, new employment opportunities dot the news for both ghosts and real workers, promotion exercises that died for all of 8years are back on stream, we are now getting to know that our primary and secondary Healthcare facilities are the best in the country.

But the big question is, where are these Healthcare facilities situated in Abia? The only thing we ever knew about was pregnant women receiving N500 Naira and some undisclosed packages after childbirth and nothing more. So why was Ikpeazu not showcasing his best healthcare facilities in all of 8 years while he was most of the times on the spot being mocked and making caricature of himself, the state and her citizens. Why is Ikpeazu suddenly seeing the light and knowing what to do at the very last minute?

Ikpeazu’s last minute frenzy to turn the tide of thralldom against him is reason why he’s clutching every straw including the revision of the third tier of the incoming government.

His present preoccupation to redefine the status of the local government administration of the state even after his exit from governance on the 29th May is topping his agenda of priorities but ought to be resisted by right thinking men and women of goodwill.

Of what use will be a local government administered by Ikpeazu in an Alex Otti government? I have even been informed that a list of what they describe as Ikpeazu’s crack team to man the 17 local governments have already being compiled and ready to be delivered to Professor Nkpa of ABSIEC to be announced after the (s)election.

Of what use will be an election if the winners are already selected? What will be the gain for any political party not PDP in participating in such a charade? Wait a minute, before any other political party begin to nurture the thoughts of participating in the ABSIEC conducted polls, they should first of all check how such similar purported elections in the past benefited their various political parties.

All Local Government Selections conducted by ABSIEC in the past 20 years in the state has returned the same verdict of 100% victories for PDP. There is wisdom in all political parties in the state coming together to boycott the oncoming ABSIEC organized LG (s)elections till the incoming government of Dr. Alex Otti resumes on the 29th of May to clean the Aegean stable.
Odo Ijere, okpotemba.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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