ASUU Crisis: Second Coming Of FG/ASUU Clash Will Make Endsars Crisis A Child’s Play – Engr. Odo Ijere(Okpotemba Ohafia), Convener Abia Infrastructural Mandate.

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Most of those masquerading themselves in the corridors of power today and speaking on behalf of the Federal Government or Buhari are irresponsible, vile, insular, evil, and narcissist. They want to needlessly plunge this nation in undeserved crises. They speak to us on Buhari’s name whereas Buhari is unaware. We’re told the Federal Government have said this and that. But the nation moves closer and closer to avoidable cataclysm while we all watch helplessly.

The FG/ASUU crises is being disingenuously stoked by just two persons, Chris Ngige and Adamu Adamu who’s often appearance as the Federal government in the entire crises are a ruse. The whole thing has been turned to personal battle between the duo and ASUU.

Whereas Chris Ngige is power drunk, greedy, tyrannical, vile, anti social, ideological disaster and suffers from diminutive personality disorder, Adamu Adamu on his part is shameless, crude, pretentious, hypocritical, fake, unintelligent, daft, guile, shallow minded, and possibly inhuman.

The real disaster is having these two humanoids presiding over the FG/ASUU crises. You need no clairvoyant to predict that no solution can come in sight while they keep on stoking the issues itself because of predetermined mindset to destroy the education sector.

The real pity is for Chris Ngige, a Southern politician who enjoyed good education back in the days to be used to wreak havoc in the University education sector which he has rendered comatose today because of flexing muscles in an empty power play. Ngige should have known better that Adamu Adamu cares no hoots whether anyone goes to school or not because northern politician offers no ideological inspiration to education.

Adamu Adamu came like a thief in the night and took over the education sector in order to destroy it. His hitherto preachments and 2015 pre dawn speeches to take education to new heights was actually a subterfuge to book his place in the sector just to render it in permanent hemorrhage to serve his ethnographic entity who’s no love lust for educating Nigerians are in public records.

These little minded fellows are unmindful enough to now pay ASUU and University lecturers half salaries as if we’re in a circus show. They’re trying to tune up new crises and desperate to open new chapters of the crises, again for predetermined reasons of locking the Universities for the second time, a decision they’ll all regret for their entire lifetime.

University lecturers are paid half salaries in October and Chris Ngige is proud to explain that his hands are tied and that they adopted pro-rata payment schedule till the courts decide on final arbitration. What an insult to this nation, the education sector, the students, the parents, the NLC, the Civil Society groups, the organised private sector, etcetera and etcetera.

University education system and its lecturers who are expecting 8 months salary being given half a month salary is preposterous, evil and taking all of us for a joke. If Ngige is invoking the status quo ante bellum as he jokes, the lecturer’s salaries should continue untouched till final court decision of the issues. But the curious angle is having Chris Ngige to be explaining the salary bills being paid at the Ministry of Education. Why is Adamu Adamu not the one explaining the actions taking place in his Ministry? So this is all turning into comedy while our children in school are the ones to bear the brunt of court jesters.

As Ngige and his boss at the Ministry of Education busy themselves popping champaign and clinking glasses over their folly, let me with all due respect predict that if by any modicum of their mental disorders, ASUU locks up the Universities once again, the next ENDSARS will locate them in their hideouts. Non of them will escape what is coming because the monster with six heads representing each geopolitical zone of the country will visit all of us. The coming crises will become the end games. Do not say you didn’t read the warnings.
Odo Ijere, Okpotemba Ohafia.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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