Ohafia Group Congratulates Ibe Okwara Osonwa On Chieftaincy Title, “Oke Abba Ohafia”

Ibe Okwara Osonwa
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Ohafia Youths Peace Initiative Movement (OYPIM), has congratulated Financial Expert of International Repute, Ibe Okwara Osonwa, on his conferment as the Oke Abba Ohafia by the Ohafia Traditional Rulers Council.

The group noted that the honour accorded to Osonwa is a confirmation of his hard work and proof that he is a hard working son of Ohafia whose service to humanity transcends beyond tribe, religion or creed that has qualified him for the exhorted traditional chieftaincy title.

The message was contained in a statement issued by the group’s Deputy Director General, Hon. Ukiwe Idika Okoro on Saturday.

The group commenting on the antecedent of Osonwa, who is also a House of Representatives aspirant for Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency said: “Without doubt, Osonwa is an asset to Ohafia and Abia state at large”.

“We congratulate you because we believe you have performed beyond expectations. The recognition and conferment of the Oke Abba Ohafia title which means “Pillar of the Community” by the Ohafia Council of Traditional Rulers is a confirmation of your astuteness and acceptability.

“You have demonstrated your capacity as a resourceful manager; Your simplicity, humility and sense of service and dedication are commendable and worthy of emulation,” the group said.

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