My Candidacy Is Not Driven By Social Emergency, But Passion For Progress – IOK

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Over the years, Prince Ike Okorafor, the Founder of IOK Educational Foundation and the CEO of Evolette Farm Resources Limited, has through his human-capital development trajectories proven that by investing in humanity we can boldly beat our chest and say we are leaders because leadership is about the ability to dream your dream, interpret the dreams of others and pragmatically turn those dreams into practicable physical realities that guarantee progress, development, improved social welfare and infrastructural development that will impact positively in the life of the people.

In order words, his decision to join partisan politics is not out of social emergency as we see every four years when men with little or no plans for an improvement in the welfare of the people litter the political space, jostling for power, whereas they have no prospects, no plans, no blueprints, their only drive is personal aggrandizement, yet we erroneously choose them out of sentiments, we enthrone mediocrity over meritocracy and we call it an experience after losing four years to purposeless representation because experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.

Ike Okorafor is here on a mission to change the narrative, he is here to ensure we do the right thing because progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience?

Ike Okorafor had, over the years intervened in the social, educational and economical needs of the people because he believes that leadership is not a product of a social emergency that comes every four years, but a function of a calculated attempt to identify grey areas of people’s needs, find solutions to them and push for innovations that will sustain development, this is what he has done by investing in education and agriculture over the years, should we then jettison these prospects and sacrifice them on the altar of clannishness and sentiments?
We must know that we as humans choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. We must choose wisely because four years lost to the error of omission or commission, is four years lost to an eternity of unproductiveness.

Prince Ike Okorafor, Dike Ogu 1 of Abam is a man with a passion for progress and improved welfare for Arochukwu State Constituency, who processes the prerequisite experience, exposure, intellectual capacity, with good antecedents to drive development and improved social welfare for Arochukwu and humanity at large.

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser, we must therefore draw very carefully for posterity.

Comr Amos Kalu,
For: IOK Liberation Movement Media Team, 2023.

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