Flag Off Of Omenuko Bridge: Gov. Otti Rewrites History, Turning ‘Bricks Into Bridges’ – By Miracle Chukwunenye(Media Aide To Gov. Otti)

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Flag off of Omenuko Bridge: Gov. Otti Rewrites History, Turning ‘Bricks into Bridges’

“The bricks of adversity will become the bridges of opportunity for those who are to build” ~ Miracle Chukwunenye

Ever since the inception of Dr. Alex Otti as Governor of Abia state, the trajectory of governance in the state have had a paradigm shift, from the former reckless and inept administration to a system that works for all, transforming Abia’s old sorry state to the path of humongous developments.

Abia has witnessed tremendous developments, from the absolute eradication of the historic mountainous waste in Aba, to the transmogrification of our health facilities, construction of strategic roads like Portharcourt road, Ohanku,Ossah road, the lumination and beautification of the Aba and Umuahia, with solar-powered street lights and water fountains in strategic Junctions, not to mention but a few.

During each of these phases of developments, the opposition has never been quiet, the architects of the predicăment Governor Alex Otti is dealing with in Abia has since been restless, given the crūshing defeat they suffered in the 2023 elections, they have been sěrially intent in pinpointing faūlts and pointing blamě fingers, with no aim of achieving yielding result other than tarñishing the image of the government of the day and attempting to pitch the government against the people, which they have failed drăstically on many tries.

However, Governor Alex Otti has been very diplomatic and strategic in handling the purvěyors of evïl and the maraūders of blame, one thing I have come to admire about the people’s Governor is that he’s relentlessly concentrated in delivering the people of Abia, given the trust and collective support he has since been receiving from well meaning Abians, he remains unrūffled by the arrows of the dislødged oppøsition, surprisingly, he utilises each blame to execute laudable projects that wows many.

Today, out of the bricks being orchestrated by the camp of the leaking umbrella with the intention of distracting his well meaning vision for ndị Abia, in his usual character, he has gathered the bricks to turn them to bridges, the flag off of the construction of the historic Omenuko bridge is a testament of Governor Otti’s undying desire to catapult Abia to the globe of development, the construction of the bridge extends far beyond normal road construction, it’s a symbolic milestone that will remain etched in the history books, Governor Alex Otti in his usual way of rewriting history has again for the umpteenth time, etched his name in gold.

The Omenuko bridge, known for its very narrow and dare děvil path has in the past years claimed lives of travellers who died by numerous cases of accidents recorded on the bridge, the case of Rev. Dr. Ụma Ukpai where he lost his children in the said bridge is deemed an unforgettable experience, may God rest the souls of the departed. Other administrations have come and gone with none giving attention to the collapsing state of the bridge, even when appeals were made, they turned deaf ears, but here comes the man that turns bricks to bridges, he has taken the bull by the horn to ensure that not only is the bridge costructed with a dual carriageway but with an additional 100meters road construction from both sides of the bridge.

History will be kind to Governor Alex Otti for not just turning bricks to bridges but building bridges that will connect the people together, fostering unity and promoting communal coexistence between ndị Abia, providing seamless transportation means that will aid in boosting economic activities, from today onwards, the story of Omenuko bridge can never be completed without mentioning GovernorAlex Otti, the story will be told of how a trailblazer renowned for achieving huge feats and turning bricks to bridges, transformed the sorry state of the aged-long and abandoned Omenuko bridge.

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~ Miracle Chukwunenye
February 4, 2025.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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