(Uplifting And Inspiring Stakeholders For The Greater Igbo Society)
Philosophy, Vision & Mission.
The United Igbo Elders Council (UNIEC) Worldwide, an offshoot of ALAIGBO ACHIEVERS LEGACY, the foremost socio-cultural umbrella body of Igbo Elders Council, consisting of Elder-statesmen, major stakeholders , opinion leaders and leaders of thought both within Nigeria and in the Diaspora. It is an independent movement and a child of necessity, advocating for the restoration of Igbo identity , language, norms , values, tradition , cultural heritage as well as regeneration of Igbo Think-Home Investment and Development Philosophy.
UNIEC WORLDWIDE is non-partisan and non-sectarian socio-cultural and civil society organisation, located anywhere in the world but headquartered in Igboland, with a well-articulated philosophy, vision, mission and corresponding mandates, some elements of which have found expression in the UNIEC WORLDWIDE Constitution:
The UNIEC WORLDWIDE is guided by humanism, defined by one of our members as “a philosophy extolling the good of man as the purpose of all action, and an active concern for his welfare as the central object of policy., an ideology or outlook, encouraging the best in the evolution of society and the treatment of man, and in the exploitation or use of his natural environment.” This constitutes the basic philosophy guiding the UNIEC WORLDWIDE on all issues, including those related to the Igbo and other Nigerians.
The Vision and Mission, already embodied in the Constitution, are summarized as follows:
To lawfully promote Igbo and other like-minded interests in Igboland, Nigeria and worldwide.
To continually conscientize and mobilize the Igbo and other like-minded peoples towards the attainment of the Vision at all times. Within the Mission are a number of short- and long-term objectives, conceived as ad hoc and permanent Mandates that are of supreme importance to the UNIEC WORLDWIDE.
Such Mandates include:
- Unity of the Igbo nation and peoples at home and abroad, including the hundreds of millions related to the Igbo in any way, or with Igbo blood or DNA within Africa, in the Americas, Europe, and throughout the world.
- Security of Igboland, peoples and property, in accordance with the laws of the land.
- Igbo cultural renaissance worldwide, and strengthening of Igbo identity, pride and commonality, in mutually beneficial liaison with domestic and external institutions.
- To restore and modernize the positive elements of Igbo literary culture like the Nsibiri writing; Igbo iron and metallurgical achievements, survivals of which exist at Abiriba, Afikpo, Agbor, Igbo-Ukwu, Lejja, Obrikom, etc; and Igbo traditional medical science, sports, music and dance, etc.
- To restore Igbo self-empowered industrialization thwarted in early 20th century, and re-create and sustain a safe and positive modern business environment for renewed Igbo post-traditional industrialization, in accord with global best practice standards.
- Conscientization of Igbo youths, women, and the socioeconomic, physical and other challenged, on the general challenges of the future and means of overcoming them.
- To act as a final alternative peaceful dispute resolution mechanism for Igbo individuals or groups that seek such impartial traditional mediations.
- To encourage all Igbo at home and abroad to abide by the law in places of their domicile, so as to be qualified for assistance by the UNIEC WORLDWIDE in proven breaches of their rights.
- To promote a humane and just socioeconomic, educational and cultural welfare society reflecting Igbo traditional egalitarian values.
- To act in other legitimate ways in promotion of Igbo legitimate interests, whenever, wherever, in a lawful and constitutional manner.
The constitution is the fundamental guide to all activities of the UNIEC WORLDWIDE and every prospective member is entitled to a copy on purchasing the Application for Membership.

Prospective members of the Council are duly recommended or elected and must of necessity be members of the United Igbo Elders Council (UNIEC) Worldwide in their respective State chapters both within Nigeria and in the Diaspora and should be people of integrity and impeccable character.
People who are willing and committed to key into the vision, mission, aims and objectives of the leadership organization must be with proven integrity, honesty, transparency and consumed with Igbo interest and should not let their personal interests to clash with Igbo interest. This includes Former Governors , Lawmakers, Chief Judges and Judges including,
Archbishops, Bishops,
Past and Present Heads of Christian Blocks and other Religious Leaders,
Traditional Rulers and Traditional Prime Ministers, Past and Present Presidents of Town Unions,
Igbo Progressives’ Professionals,
Ndigbo at Home and in Diaspora as well as Council of Igbo States in the Americans, among others.
The selection process is determined by the people’s perception of the persons and is confirmed by secret research by knowledgeable people. This is necessary to build confidence of Ndigbo in United Igbo Elders Council (UNIEC) Worldwide, its decisions and actions including matters of discipline. This will streamline the cardinal objective of promoting the unity and cohesive existence of the entire Igbo Nation
Join a prosperous and United Igbo Elders Council (UNIEC) Worldwide, opinion leaders, leaders of thought, the critical thinkers on nation building and be inspired.
NDIGBO THINK-HOME!Alaigbo Bu Ofu, Oganihu Ndigbo Bu Nke Anyi. Partisan or Sectarian Socio-cultural Should Not Divide Us.*
The UNIEC Worldwide is currently led by Justice Anthony I Iguh (retd.) as National President.
For more enquiries get hold of the UNIEC WORLDWIDE Constitution.