Objectivism As A Cure To Bitterness: A Measured Reply To ‘Stop Governor Otti From Visiting Harvard University’ By A Scotland Based Misinformation Monger, Eke O. Ako – By Ukoha Njoku Ukoha(CPS To Gov. Otti)

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“Spreading ‘Mis- and Disinformation’ is Not Opposition Politics. It is Lying and Dishonesty” – Ctz. Ukoha Njoku Ukoha (Chief Press Secretary to the Executive Governor of Abia State)

The daily ranting of a Scotland based Abian whose identity and name has been in a perpetual flux cannot be taken seriously by those he tagged in his desperate, attention seeking, empty and inconsistent ‘petition’. By this time last year, he was ranting under the name Ek Steve. We can only guess and wonder his next year’s identity and name.

Eke O. Ako as he now choose to be identified was so funny in dispatching his petition that he copied and tagged many prominent persons and media organisations except the institution and event organisers he was petitioning to stop Governor Alex Otti from visiting or speaking.

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Governor Alex Otti will be delivering his paper tomorrow at the prestigious Harvard University and I can bet Ururu-Aja that Mr. Ako will be joining virtually to be schooled, albeit under another name. A mutual friend confided in me that Ako virtually joined Governor Otti’s University of Buckingham Keynote Speech with Ak Eke. Ururu-Aja, please, help me to track him during the Harvard University Lecture.

Harvard University is a renowned Ivy citadel of knowledge and learning with topnotch research capabilities. The institution parades the best brains and hands in the globe and have remained intentional in the selection process of those they invite to stand on their podium. No wonder some characters with their Ph.D cannot dream of speaking on that stage.

Eke O. Ako is deliberate about not tagging or copying Harvard University or event organisers his ‘petition’ full of bitter inconsistencies. He understands that he does not qualify as a credible petitioner to be taken serious by a revered institution like Harvard University. Unlike Mr. Ako, the Management of Harvard University has a record of the inauguration date of Governor Alex Otti 16 months ago. The allegation of owing 20 Months wages of the State-Owned Institution Lecturers by Eke O. Ako invalidates the whole ‘Petition’. It shows that the petitioner’s mental health and state need to be examined or he is not petitioning against the same Dr. Alex Otti who has been on the saddle for just 16 Months and have paid 16 Months wages and 3 Months arrears of wages owned by his predecessor.

The dilapidated state of Abia State Government House is global knowledge. The hurriedly ‘Completed’ New Government House to retire looted funds cannot pass for a Local Government Secretariat. We live in a global village where news, pictures and videos travels faster than light. Governor Alex Otti inherited a state in ruins and made a decision to prioritize attention areas based on infrastructural needs and personnel welfare assessment. The People’s Governor is managing the discomfort of operating from his home as a selfless sacrifice to enable him address other major pressing issues affecting the People with the available limited resources than investing it on upgrading or rebuilding the ‘New’ or ‘Old’ Government House.

The lecture is tomorrow and Mr. Ako should not hesitate to tag and contact the University and event organisers to further showcase his bitter inconsistencies beyond concoction of non-existing figures.

Chief Press Secretary to the Executive Governor of Abia State.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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