19.1Km Itungwa-Omoba-Ahiaba, Ubu-Nkwo Elechi Road Project: Gov. Otti Cripples The Clannish Ailment, Rewrites The Errors Of Acclaimed “Son Of The Soil”

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In a significant step towards transcending development to the grassroots, the Abia State Government is set to flag off a 19.1km road, a road stretch that will connect Itungwa, Omoba, Amaise, Amari, Mgboko, Ahiaba Ubi, and Nkwo Elechi Conmunities.

By flaging off of this project Gov. Otti has zeroed the claims of the naysayers who has since toed the path of deceit, inciting the Ngwa people againt the Governor, thus alleging that Gov. Otti has never achieved any substantial road project in the Ngwa community.

These few misguided minions blinded by the clannish stigma has failed to see the humongous project going on in different parts of Aba, Obingwa, Ugwunagbo, Isialangwa, Osisioma, Ukwa. The numerous road projects, light up projects, Asepa ‘keep Abia clean’ projects, road beautification project, hospital retrofitting project, drainage desilting and chanelling project.

Truth be told, 70% of what Governor Otti is doing in Abia is centered in these aforementioned parts yet the naysayers keep reverberating in the negative.

And yet again, Gov. Otti is set to change the narrative, smashing the clannish testicle, clearing the path for grassroot development.

Through initiating the construction of this road stretch, Gov. Otti has again earned a loveable spot in the heart of all who prioritizes rural development. Thus, the construction of this road accentuates Gov. Otti’s readiness for rural development centered on the grassroots.

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Regrettably, the immediate past Government ignored such a significant stretch of road, without paying attention to the importance of the road and the development it tends to attract to the said communities it navigates through.

Gov. Otti has come to rewrite the errors of the self acclaimed ‘son of the soil’ who did not only ignore the people of Abia but also his own people, neglecting key infrastructures nearing decay in his own LGA Of origin, Gov. Otti who is running an all inclusive is the original version of what a true ‘son of the soil’ implies.

After the construction of this road project, the two LGA’s Isialangwa south and Obingwa will be opened for new developments, transportation of goods and farm produce from rural to urban will be made seamless, bolstering security through improved road access, investors will troop en masse to partake in the New Abia shared developmental agenda, Gov. Otti has indeed crippled the clannish ailment while maintaining his focus on delivering Good Governance to Abia people.

Miracle Chukwunenye
October 2nd, 2024.

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By Abia ThinkTank

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