I have always regarded Victor Ikpeazu as a shameless man working the streets naked and smiling at everybody but nothing prepared me for the shock of how truly stripped the KPMG report has exposed him. This man’s mental frame was simply unhinged to corruption and debauchery. It is that bad.
His patronizers instead of hiding their crack heads in the shame that Ikpeazu brought to them, are back again in town explaining, analyzing, educating us and wishing away the audit report as administrative procedure, process regulation, process auditing etcetera that ran short of investigative probity and which did not worth their while or basically just a worthless document.
They even dismissed the released audit report as inconsistent with facts and procedures on account of the fact that the KPMG auditors did not invite book keepers, accounting officers of the erstwhile government for comments or cross examination, neither did they peruse necessary documents to dig out evidencial proofs to buttress their figures and massive submissions. To some of these defenders of corruption, nothing in the KPMG report indicts Ikpeazu even if invited by the EFCC.
To these tribe that sees stealing or looting of public funds as not corruption, N10 Billion naira subdivided into 32 tranches and fleeced through 32 different bank accounts numbers with the instrumentality and fiduciary support provided by a third party account holder in the name of Ferotex Construction is normal business? I pity their cerebral deficiency.
These crusaders of untruths, exponents of treasury looting and devourers of public trust are advised to go and look once again, at what the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2007 and the amended version of the same act in 2010 says about public expenditure off-budget management.
Budgeting N10 Billion to build an airport and later changing your mind after paying the contractor for the job is inconsistent with prudential acts envisaged by the Fiscal Responsibility regulations. Ikpeazu government handing out new instructions to pay out the money to 32 different contractors and accounts is a clear violation of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2010. It is actionable by the EFCC and Abia state government and also punishable in law.
But the one that worries the most is the unconscionable transactions of the middle operating company called Ferotex Construction. Why would they undertake such brazen nefarious acts of transferring money sent to their account to 32 different accounts? Instead of returning the money back to sender after the airport project was killed. Who’s fooling who?
Since when was this company appointed the treasury exchequer of Abia State government or even Abia State clearing house to be paying contractors? Ferotex Construction will certainly go in for money laundering operations felony or accessories to the acts of money laundering. They are found wanting in aiding and abetting criminality against Abians while pretending to be constructing roads for us. They can no longer be trusted and should immediately be given a distance by the New Abia government.
Dr. Alex Otti and EFCC should go for the jugular of Ikpeazu and his cohorts to answer for their evil deeds while in office. When they were busy confiscating accounting books and concealing evidence before their final retreat from government in May 29th, 2023, they never knew that there were other ways of catching a monkey without brandishing bananas.
The forensic audit by KPMG is a game changer employed by Dr. Alex Otti’s financial wizardry to change the way of doing things in public office. If Victor Ikpeazu escapes this one, he will escape anything. But as the governor had clearly alluded when he bared his mind on the issue recently, Ikpeazu and his co-travellers should simply return the N10 Billion to Abia State treasury that he looted while pretending to be building airport for us.
If Ikpeazu likes let him carry himself to Kuje prison in defiance of returning the money, he will die there while the money must still be recovered. We need our money to develop Abia not his imprisonment.
Dr. Engr Odo Ijere