Otaomu has moved from being a strictly traditional Age grade ceremony. It’s beginning to gain international acclaim, and a wider spectrum of recognition.
In the distant past, the ceremony was not given such widespread attention, and publication, like now, probably because, expectations were low, and the available resources limited.
However, modernity coupled with digital communications have, significantly changed all that. The way we live, do things, and even interact have all been altered as civilization encroaches.
Otaomu ceremony has, therefore, become such a big deal that takes years to plan, and execute.
All Akajimba Age grade members living outside the shores of Nigeria are all set for the big event. Their photographs are all over the internet.
Igba Otaomu, basically, is a demonstration of passion, power and possession. In practice, it’s an illustration of capacity and integrity to our Communities, as much as it’s a stabilizing factor in Ohafia, which is highly commendable.
In economic terms, it could be described as a return of investment to the Community where one was born and bred, and owe allegiance to. It’s a form of collective corporate social responsibility.
To the Glory of God, Akajimba Age grade is handing over a Storey building of ten classroom block to Amaekpu Community with an estimated cost of Fifty Million Naira. It’s a Project that is expected to be completed in less than two years.
It’s no longer news that, December 27/28 are very significant dates to all members of AKAJIMBA AGE GRADE, AMAEKPU OHAFIA. While December 27, is set aside for handing over of our project to our parents Community; December 28, is for refreshment, and thanksgiving as an expression of sincere appreciation to the Community that had harboured us from cradle.
December 27, 2023, is very key. It’s like a day of reunion by all surviving Age grade members, some of whom have not seen their contemporaries for decades. It’s one of the high points, and the beauty of Otaomu celebration.
That same day, being December, 27, 2023, Akajimba Age grade will paint Amaekpu in various enthralling colours, just like the Rainbow does, sometimes, on a cloudy day. All the thrills, frills the razzmatazz, and the klieg lights associated with the Otaomu procession will be on display.
Uniforms of different outfits will be adorned by many other Age grades, some of which are younger Age grade members to Akajimba. The procession will also include older Age grades that had already celebrated Otaomu. It’s all a way of showing support, and solidarity.
Expectedly, the aura is usually breathtaking, making people gawp at the kaleidoscopic bling of the various colourful, and outlandish outfits.
Naturally, traditional songs relating to the event rent the air. It’s also a time for the Age grade members to show their fitness level. Age Grades have always been known for their competitive spirit, banters or Njakiri in local parlance. Perhaps, those who take the long walk from Amaekpu to Ebem, and back are adjudged to remain as fit as fiddle, retired, but not tired. And for those unable to join the procession; they’ll answer to their mates.
Every Akajimba Age grade member is involved without being necessarily compelled to do so, because it’s usually a profoundly deep experience to be a partaker of a carnival- like event.
The procession by Akajimba stretches for kilometers because various Age grades are involved as it’s Customary.
The spectacle that follows the Otaomu procession is simply phenomenal, alluring, and astonishingly beautiful.
Akajimba ‘nde uwoma’ are thankful to God for the privilege to partake in the Otaomu ceremony.
Having come this far, we are assured of God’s infinite mercies before, and, after the Otaomu ceremony to the Glory of God.
This is a special promo designed for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers etc who are involved in the above events and others not mentioned during this Xmas period to reach out and showcase their event to the entire world at highly subsidized rate.
First Leg: Full page Promotional package showcasing your Invitation Card, Banner/Flex, 3 different Photographs and brief of the coming event. Also your picture/Name will be the headline News in AttNews blog(Pre-Event)
Second Leg: Full Page Promotional package of the event showcasing 5 different photographs. Also your picture/Name will be the headline news in AttNews blog(Post-Event).
Rate: N20,000 Only For Both Pre and Post Events. (Rate is only Applicable during the Promotional Period)
For further inquiries, contact the undersigned:
Dr. Uduma Nnate (Publisher)
Chief Imo Ukwa(Advert Consultant) 08063779938