Dear Ururu Aja Onyebuchi Ememanka, no field of study is a complete mystery to human minds that are willing to learn and those that are at home with developments within a particular environment, therefore it’s laughable to insinuate that one who is not a lawyer must be ignorant of everything that bothers on law.
I’m very sure that you were taught English 101 at ABSU, possibly by Dr. Jerry Uzoma Adindu of blessed memory or Prof. Uzoma Nwokocha (Uzo Daddy). Both were not law lecturers.
You were also taught Philosophy and other courses that had nothing to do with law by lecturers that weren’t lawyers. Anyone who cannot comprehend English Language cannot effectively practice modern law. I stand to be corrected.
So far, i have spoken based on facts that are public knowledge.
I also made reference to specific facts contained in judgements that had been delivered by courts of Competent Jusrisdiction. I know what precedent means in law and i understand its place and importamce.
I would have shut my mouth if you made submissions that showed that my own submissions were incorrect.
There’s absolutely nothing extraordinary about law that should make it sacrilegious for those that are not lawyers to speak on issues of law.
In 215, a certain Judge that chaired the Governorship Tribunal that upheld Ikpeazu’s election didn’t know the difference between a Supplementary Election and a Rerun election. He also did not know when and where to apply the principles of “Approbation and Reprobation”. The appeal court “respectfully” LAMBASTED his panel and questioned their COMPETENCE. So if a lawyer (Judge) could not understand the most elementary part of law known to laymen, then I wonder why you should think that lawyers are invisible to the extent that their actions cannot be questioned.
Nwanne, ha eriela Ikpeazu mugu again na Kano. We have the details!
Nwanne, help me shout….Eluu Pee 79!
.Ferdinand Ekeoma