Yahaya Bello, Hope for Nigeria amidst intrigues of 2023 – Opinion

Yahaya Bello
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For the first time in the political history of Nigeria, especially under Democratic dispensations, 2023 has proven to be a year filled with intrigues, endless permutations, and prospects for possible solutions to the myriad of Nigeria’s seemingly endless challenges. This reality of the time does not exist because Nigeria lacks capable hands to steer her affairs to greatness, but because the supposed capable hands had, either by an act of omission, commission or simply out of negligence and lackadaisical disposition overlooked the yearnings of the people.

It is therefore not out of place to recently notice that this lucuma so far experienced within the political terrain that had cost Nigeria delay in development, has birthed a consciousness that is sacrosanct and a motivation to men with the strong political will to change the narratives of a potentially prosperous nation like Nigeria that needed only the right touch to boom. It is on this same trajectory that realities of the time have birthed young and energic leaders like Governor Yahaya Bello, a man with a pedigree to change, the antecedents to lead and the passion for a better and prosperous Nigeria.

Little wonder then, that his candidacy is enjoying the support of Nigerian youths, the masses, the learned, the privileged and the indigents, equally. This is significant because Nigeria is at a point where only the right political willpower possessed by the new breeds like GYB can turn her fortunes around for the better.

To buttress his indefatigable disposition toward rescuing Nigeria, GYB has defied pundits and negative analysts by being one of the first to purchase the special APC form because he believes that every good thing comes with a price and no price will be too much to rescue Nigeria in 2023.

Indeed, Yahaya Bello represents the face of a New Nigeria, the hope of the youths ready to save their future by taking their destiny into their hand.

A vote for GYB is a vote for HOPE and a New Nigeria.

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