The House of Assembly hopeful under the auspices of All Progressive Grand Alliance Party (APGA), Prince Ike Okorafor today being 14th April, 2022 met with the Elders of his community, a group traditionally known and addressed as “Ndi Ichina Ozu” under the leadership of Chief Emmanuel Ebebe and Chief Uche Emeaba to officially inform them of his ambition to run for the State House Assembly elections come 2023.
Prince Ike Okorafor while addressing the gray men informed them of his enthusiasm to bring governance nearer to Abam through advocacy and informed policies. He noted that there could be limitations in his contributions and corporate social responsibility in addressing the various infrastructural and economic problems facing the community but much will be achieved through the instrumentality of the government.
“If I decide to contribute to the development and Progress of Ozu, Abam and the good people of Arochukwu LGA, I may be limited by my personal needs and availability of financial resources, but through the government, I can advocate for mega projects that will be funded by relevant agencies of the government. This is the inspiration to my aspiration, he added”
Responding, the leader of the joint session of Ichina Ozu, Chief Emmanuel Ebebe onbehalf of the group welcomed him with open hands and appreciated his promptness and wisdom in recognizing the relevance of gray hair and ancestry first before embarking on his political journey. He pledged their unflinching support towards the actualization of the project and humurously added that “ANU BU UZO NANU MMIRI OMA. Without mincing words, he stated that Ichina Ozu has gotten a CANDIDATE for the 2023 polls.
Other members of the group expressed solidarity to Dike-Ogu by pledging their individual supports in pursuant of his victory. Using one stone to kill two birds, Prince Ike Okorafor also met with “Ndi Uke Ekwe” who also assured him of their unreserved support in the actualization of his dream. The highlight of the meeting was the ritualistic pouring of libation at Ebele Ozu to put the gods in the know.
Mary Thompson
For IOK’S Media Team